Oi. I
really need to get more on point with my Wednesday schedule! Wednesday's have been kicking my tuchus every week for at least a month now, and I'm not even swinging by my LCS! In any event, you get some link-blogging for the day. (Hmm. Maybe I just turn that into a regular "feature"...)
- The creative team that brought you High Moon is currently working on a cool-looking project called The Only Living Boy in New York. I gather it's still a little ways from store shelves yet, but keep your eyes peeled for more info about it!
- Matthew Nash writes this nice piece for the Sequim Gazette about how cool comics are. It's a genuine and sincere piece directed towards coercing non-comics readers to test out our favorite medium, but it doesn't come across (to me) as preachy. One of the nicest pieces on the subject I've seen.
- Hey, did you know The 99 are on Twitter? Given that they only have 44 followers, I'm guessing not.
- I found this one out the hard way. There's a new DVD release out you might stumble across called Comic Book Independents. This is, in fact, the exact same movie as Independents: A Guide To The Creative Spirit, just in slightly different packaging. Good documentary, but don't spend your money on it twice.
- TwoMorrows has a PDF preview of their upcoming Jack Kirby Collector #56. The issue ships March 30.
- There's less than one day to go before The History of the Universe as Told by Wonder Woman Kickstarter campaign closes. They've raised 150% of their goal, but that original goal was just for the first cut of the film. So feel free to add your two cents (Or two dollars. Or whatever.) before they close the campaign down.
I think regular linkblogging is a-okay (as you probably know from me own blog). I always look forward to the "Link Exchange" at The Economist's Free Exchange blog, for example. And they don't even include any comments with their links.
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