You know, I've never really cared much for Halloween. I think it's combination of never being able to put together a decent costume and having a fairly nauseous reaction to some Dracula make-up I tried one year early on. But that's just me. It's supposedly almost as popular as Christmas here in the U.S. so who am I to judge?

Anyway, I thought I'd point out that creator Sam Costello informs me that the latest Split Lip horror webcomic, "
Termites in Your Smile," has gone live. He ALSO tells me that he's giving away 10 copies of his printed
Split Lip anthology. Details can be found
On the subject of horror, Paul Horn is running some of his classic
Doc Splatter comics throughout October.
Not exactly horror, but still kind of creepy in an October-ish sort of way, Colin Panetta tells me that he just sent the latest issue of
Dead Man Holiday off to the printer this past week. I expect it'll be available for purchase in time for Halloween.
It seems to me that there was some other spooky-ish comic update I heard recently, but am forgetting at the moment. Hmph. Like I said, I'm not all that big on Halloween, so I'm actually kind of surprised I remembered this much!
Dead Man Holiday WOULD have been ready in time for Halloween, but I'm holding off it's release to participate in Indy Comic Book Week:
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