Post-SDCC Links

By | Wednesday, July 24, 2013 Leave a Comment
Believe it or not, I found some links this past week that were NOT covered by or related to Comic-Con!
  • The Spokesman-Review highlights the 25th anniversary of The Comic Book Shop in the Spokane, WA area. Congrats to them!
  • Helping to promote a store event, Superman fan Luke Junior was dressed as the man of steel when a shoplifter bolted from the store. Junior managed to apprehend the criminal and hold him until police arrived. Let's hear it for inspirational heroes! Oh, and Superman too!
  • Speaking of heroes, David Lee Finkle is a school teacher who also draws the comic “Mr. Fitz” for the Daytona Beach News-Journal. The strip relays many of the real-world stories and emotions that stem from teaching, and he notes in the Washington Post that he recently completed the thoughtful storyline “Mr. Fitz Gets Depressed” about just how much is stacked against people who care enough to teach. (h/t Christian Beranek)
  • BTN recently aired a 20-ish minute piece focusing on Carol Tilley and her research into Frederic Wertham. It's a decent piece overall, despite many of the historical images and video footage being used out of context and and heavy use of Comic Sans.
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