ITEM: My nephew got quite a kick out of the "My First Batmobile" I gave him. Shortly after opening it, he was pushing it around the floor, saying "Nananananan... Batman!" Not quite the theme song, but still recognizable. No one's entirely sure where he got the "lyrics" from, but odds are on his 7-year-old sister.
ITEM: Thanks to my aunt and uncle, who sent me Alice in Sunderland and Bad Language, Naked Ladies, and Other Threats to the Nation: A Political History of Comic Books in Mexico. I'm looking forward to reading both. My dad, however, was quite surprised that they even MADE a book about the political history of Mexican comics, much less that I had an interest in it.

ITEM: Thanks to my brother, again, who got me most of the Pirates of the Caribbean action figures. Not the ones from the movie, mind you, the ones from the ride! Honestly, I did not know these even existed! Very cool. (Not exactly comics, but action figures are kind-of related.)
ITEM: Thanks to my folks for The Marvel Vault. I expect much of the history of the company written there I already know, but the reproduction artifacts are very interesting and look much better "for real" than the occasional photo or scan that I see from time to time. I'd actually been eyeballing it off and on for a while now.
ITEM: I had enough time the other day to borrow/read my dad's copy of The Invention of Hugo Cabret. It floats in a weird middle-ground, somewhere between a novel, a picture book, and a comic. Very well-done, though, and it's easy to see why it's up for various awards. For those who haven't read through it yet, the daunting-looking thickness belies the amount of time it actually takes to read. I got through the whole thing in certainly under two hours, probably less than ninety minutes. It's kind of like The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay in that it's content is in an odd hybrid territory of stage magic and comics, so that both my dad and I like it for different reasons.
All in all, not a bad Christmas, despite some minor flashes of depression. I'm definitely glad I opted NOT to stay home by myself for a couple of weeks -- I can't picture that have gone over well. In any event, I should be back to more regular blogging in the next day or so, and I'll relay more of my wonderful insights and observations about these trifles we call comics!
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