I just learned of a graphic novel published back in March called
Bound by Law? Tales from the Public Domain. It was written by law professors at Duke University and covers the law surrounding documentary filmmaking. It's not just a primer, either, coming in a whopping 76 pages. When questioned as to why it was presented in a comic book format, one of the authors said, "We care about the subject and, for some strange reason, none of our intended audiences seemed eager to read scholarly law review articles. What's more, there is something perverse about explaining a visual and frequently surreal reality in gray, lawyerly prose." Kudos to them for "getting" the benefits of comics!
You can buy a copy from Amazon
here, or just download a free digital version from
their web site. I've only had a chance to scan through it so far, but it looks to be an excellent read with some clever graphic narrative devices and very informative to boot. I'll definitely try to make time to read through this in more detail.
Evidently, they're already working on another book covering music and copyrights.
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