Non-SDCC (Mostly) Links

By | Wednesday, July 18, 2012 Leave a Comment
Believe it or not, there were some recent comic related posts around the internet not directly related to this year's Comic-Con...
  • Al Bigley posted several pages of Jim Steranko's MediaScene from 1977 with articles on the the new Spider-Man and Hulk television shows. Bigley points out the similarity in fans' reaction between seeing the wealth of superhero love on the small screen in 1977 with the wealth of superhero love on the movie screen today.
  • Nicholas Yanes interviews Jonathan "Swifty" Lang regarding his new graphic novel, Feeding Ground, which "uses werewolf folklore to examine the anxieties over Mexican/US immigration."
  • Doc Jenkins returns from Europe, and posts "Performing Our 'Collective Dreams': The Many Worlds of San Diego Comic-Con" which he wrote in response to last year's Comic-Con. Towards the end of the piece, he begins to wrap up, "As more and more stories are being told across media platforms, Comic-Con is the crossroads among entertainment sectors. As comics publishing is struggling to survive, here is where its future will be determined."
  • He ALSO posts several videos from the Future of Entertainment Consortium's west coast event, Transmedia Hollywood. Of particular interest to comics fans is the last one: "How Comics Fit into the Transmedia Ecology." The panelists included Katherine Keller (Sequential Tart), Joe LeFavi (Quixotic Transmedia), Mike Richardson (Dark Horse Comics), Mark Verheiden (Falling Skies, Heroes) and Mary Vogt (Rise Of The Silver Surfer, Men In Black); it was moderated by Geoffrey Long (Microsoft Studios).
  • CNN does a short video profile of artist J.C. Lee (Stan's daughter). Although I'm not exactly sure how/why she's taking credit for what's effectively just her father's signature.
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