Link Day, Link Day!

By | Wednesday, May 25, 2011 Leave a Comment
  • I haven't checked in on Brian Altounian for a little while now, but he will evidently be on Trend POV this Friday at noon EST to discuss Wowio and "converging trends." I don't think I'll be able to tune in, but the show will hopefully be archived for later viewing.
  • Neil Cohn finds some interesting differences in translating American comics for French publication. Beyond the text itself, some of the art was translated for French audiences.
  • The Hooded Utilitarian crew are conducting a poll to nail down the top ten greatest comics of all time. I'm generally not keen on lists like this, but Robert did ask me personally to weigh in. I haven't made all my choices yet, but I will give you this hint about my submission: my list will not include anything by Bil Keane.
  • Ben Huh criticizes how news in general is written. (Although his piece seems to be geared towards written articles, some of the same issues are present in video coverage.) While not directly related to comics, it's a good take on the problems inherent in the news industry. It seems that some of these general ideas could be applied to webcomics as well. Not unlike what I was talking about over at MTV a couple weeks ago.
  • And finally, Harold Camping versus Zombies. In comic book form.
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