The next issue of The Jack Kirby Collector should be arriving in comic shops next month and, as usual, it will have one of my spectacularly well-received and critically acclaimed "Incidental Iconography" column. The theme of the issue is Jack Kirby's collaborations with Stan Lee, and since I covered Jack "King" Kirby in the last issue, this column's focus is on Stan "The Man" Lee. Mostly Funky Flashman, actually, since Jack did relatively few drawings of Stan. (And, don't worry -- I also talk about that What If issue and Stan's three Jack-drawn appearances in Fantastic Four and FF Annual.) Flashman in particular provides a fascinating look at Stan's changing appearance over the years, and speaks quite a bit to Stan's penchant for image and marketing. I'm always surprised by how much I learn about Jack every time I start researching a column.
Also of interest is that the issue will have a small ad promoting that book thingy I wrote called Comic Book Fanthropology. Here's a preview you can keep your eyes peeled for...

Speaking of my book, there's about a week left of its serialization. I've received positive feedback from it so far, so if you're not reading, you are definitely missing out!
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