Lo and behold, though, I've had one the crappiest Monday ever, the past two weeks excepted. (So, yes, that would make three weeks in a row of really bottom-of-the-barrel, wouldn't-it-be-less-painful-to-just-shoot-myself, boy-this-REALLY-sucks Mondays.)

Not surprisingly, She-Hulk has done nothing to really defray the crappiness of the day. It should come as no surprise; whether or not I have that action figure -- or indeed any material object -- has absolutely zero relevance to why my Monday sucked. But I'm ten bucks poorer than I was this morning, and no happier than I was this afternoon.
The question I have, then, is why do we do it? I bought the figure knowing full well that it had almost no chance of improving my mood, but I bought it anyway. That makes no sense to me. Am I that upset that I'm grabbing at anything that might please me in any possible fashion, no matter how irrelevant?
You know, I read Garfield this morning and thought, "Hmm. Davis must've been hard up for material; he's falling back on that old trope." I should've realized that newspapers generally put comics next to the horoscopes for a reason!
Hmmm? Oh, yeah... Chicago.
I will go ahead and bore you with one crappy aspect of the day. I was kicking around going to Chicago for Wizard World next weekend to see if I could hook up with some online friends and maybe find some new comics. Just as I was starting to write one of them to ask when he might be available, I realized, "Oh, yeah. The dog's not going to be able to stay by himself the whole weekend. Guess that pretty much rules out any chance of me going since I won't be able to get him a sitter that quickly, and I'm not willing to drop the extra $100 or so for a kennel."
That was actually one of the high points of my day.
Toys = happiness. That's all there is to it. :)
Sean, if you want to go to Chicago I'll chip in on kennel fees. Shoot me an e-mail.
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