Are We There Yet?

By | Sunday, November 22, 2009 Leave a Comment
The Senior Vice-President and Chief Marketing Officer for my entire company spoke a global webcast a month or so back. She started by saying that everyone started going in to 2009 wearing really frightened-looking faces. But now, she added, everyone just looks tired.

Her point, of course, was that at the beginning of the year, everyone was in something of a panic on how to deal with the economic crisis. Lots of people were being laid off, and no one had a clear sense of what was going to happen next. Now, in the last part of the year, those people who are still employed are exhausted from trying to do their job and at least some of the work of the guy who used to sit next to them but got laid off. And the guy who got laid off has been running a mad scramble trying to beat out everyone else who's gotten laid off for fewer and fewer job prospects. Businesses are thrilled these days just to be able to say that they didn't lose money.

More anecdotally, I personally know more people looking for work now than at any time in my recollection. I actually knew fewer people who weren't working back in college! But I'm sure I don't need to tell you that it's rough out there.

I've actually been able to get a lot accomplished with my book over the past couple of months. While there was a lot of me just burying myself in front of the computer for 14-15 hours a day, I did get some assistance from a few kind folks who were able to step away from their own insanely hectic schedules to lend some support.

I want to give a big thanks, first and foremost, to Marvel editor Tom Brevoort. I know his schedule is absolutely nuts and he's got way more work than he should have to deal with, but he nonetheless agreed to write a Foreward to my book. And even after reading an early, way-too-rough-around-the-edges draft, he stood by his commitment and turned in a really stellar piece. It's a much more impressive piece than I was hoping for, and I'm honored that he put as much time and effort into it as he did. Thanks VERY much, Tom!

Next, I want to say thanks to David Gallaher and Johanna Draper Carlson. They both provided some excellent feedback on earlier drafts of the book. I think their input has really helped me solidify and clarify several of my points, and I'm certain my book is better because of their input. Thanks, guys!

I also need to give a shout out to some high school friends, Jeff D and John B, and my old WSU partner-in-crime, David B, for their ongoing enthusiasm throughout my writing process. You guys have been the best cheerleading squad I've ever had! (Seriously, I meant that in the best way possible.) Thank you.

And I'd be remiss, of course, if I didn't make mention of my S.O., who's been very supportive of me and has had to put up with my foul moods when I'd spent way too much time staring at the computer monitor. She gets a more formal thank you in the book itself. :)

I just wanted to take a moment to say thanks to everyone (whether or not I've named you here) for their support during this incredibly unpredictable and bat-sh*t insane year we've had. There's been so much to carry everyone's attention lately, I'm really grateful for everyone who's given me any of theirs.

Oh, and so I don't sound like I'm getting too mushy, I think I've got the book back on my original schedule, which means it should be available for purchase later this week!
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