You know, for all the talk and discussion about trying to monetize webcomics, the one, fairly obvious, area that hasn't come up is pornography. There are literally billions of dollars spent every year on online porn, and I haven't heard any indications that that's letting up. The industry collectively brings in something like $90 a second and over 250 new porn sites go online daily. So it should come as no surprise that an enterprising young Indian -- coming from a country in which pornography is flatly illegal -- has begun using the Internet to peddle online porn comics.
This Jezebel article the S.O. pointed me to says that they haven't tried actually making money yet, but with 60 million unique visitors every month already, I can't imagine that will be difficult.
To heck with whatever Foglio and Kurtz and Onstad are doing, if you want to make money on webcomics, put some boobs into the darned thing!
maybe i is illegal for a reason
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