David Gallaher and Steve Ellis have many cool things going on here, but I'd like to call specific attention to one of the details shown in Mac's files...

The question arises, quite naturally, why does Mac have a file on Nikola Tesla? Well, my first thought is that it may have something to do with the havoc he took part in, when he was written by Matt Fraction...

And you know, we've also seen his name crop up recently as the creator of the hero in one of my current favorite books...

Now, I don't know about you, but I know I would love to see Gallaher's MacGregor, Fraction's Tesla, and Clevinger's Atomic Robo all battling an army of werewolves controlled by Thomas Edison! Tell me that wouldn't be a kick-ass story! I ran the idea by David already and he seemed to like it, so let's see if we can't drum up some motivation for to at least get Clevinger on board! (Tesla, of course, being a very real public figure and wouldn't fall under the same trademark laws. Not that I'd mind having Fraction work on the story, mind you, but I'm trying to think at least somewhat realistically here.)
So, c'mon, Brian! Give my buddy Dave a call and get something worked out already!
An Atomic Robo/High Moon crossover sounds good to me! Throw in a bit of magic from The Prestige for good measure and you've got a million-seller!
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