In late 2005, I wrote a piece about Firefly and Serenity in which I took a step back from the works themselves to see what underlying messages I might get out of it. That piece was recently recorded (not by me) for the Firefly Talk podcast. I had actually forgotten that I had written it, but seeing it again today, in light of recent events, makes me sad. I was originally quite impressed with myself at the time for recognizing the messages I took from Serenity and being able to articulate exactly why I needed to act on them. I'm saddened though, because a year and a half later, I still haven't really acted on them... which is surely part of why I'm having difficulty in my personal life.
So for those of you who do hear a powerful message from whatever piece of art inspires you, I suggest you act on it; otherwise the message, however powerful it might be, is meaningless.
Well, that's true.
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