Brilliant Idea Redux

By | Thursday, May 28, 2020 Leave a Comment
I originally posted this idea a decade ago and came across it again recently. I don't know that I've seen anyone actually do this, but I still think it's a really neat idea. Plus everybody has loads of free time on their hands now for crafty projects like this, right? So kill some time and make some cool wall art as a bonus!

Step 1. Take a really hi-res scan of some cool Jack Kirby art. Preferably from the 1970s.

(Cool though the above art is, it obviously doesn't qualify as a good hi-res scan.)

Step 2.
Print the art out from a good color printer, tiled over several 11" x 17" pages.

Step 3.
Mount the printouts on wood or heavy board.

Step 4.
Hang the boards on your wall, leaving some space between the individual pieces.

Step 5.
Bask in the awesomeness.

I'd love to see folks post photos of your results in the comments!
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