My "On Strips" pieces might be a tad more challenging. Not only has T'Challa never carried his own comic strip, but I can't even seem to find any instance of him every appearing in one. Not the long-running Spider-Man strip, the short-lived Hulk strip, or even as just a joke/gag character appearing in some other comic for humorous effect. I'm going to keep digging throughout the month, though, and we'll see what I can find.
Today, though, I do have something interesting. It's a comic strip that I wrote/drew back in the day that reviewed Black Panther #20 circa 2000. As I recall, I had been doing the letterhack thing for a year or so, and had gotten pretty decent at it. I seem to recall figuring I had a letter published on average every other week for at least 6 or 8 months. And while I hadn't gotten bored with that, I did want to up my game a bit. So I thought I would try composing my letters as comics. There was definitely a heavy Fred Hembeck influence there, setting myself up as the primary character who talked with the heroes, who were well aware of their role as comic book superheroes.
I seem to recall only doing a handful of these. Partially because I'm not that great of an artist and they were very time-consuming, but also Marvel started dropping their letter columns altogether anyway. Ultimately, none of my strips were ever published. (No great surprise there.) I probably have the original Adobe Illustrator files burned on a CD somewhere, but for your viewing purposes, I did find this JPG of what I sent off to Marvel shortly after the issue came out...

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