Featured Wednesday Links

By | Wednesday, March 14, 2012 2 comments
  • J. J. Sedelmaier stumbled across a rare 1942 Superman novel by George Lowther with chapter illustrations by Joe Shuster. Some of the other art, though, is clearly not Shuster's and goes uncredited. (h/t Robert Beerbohm)
  • In, I think, a new twist on outside media being late to the game in comics, The CSU Signal asks Do deaths in comic books mean anything? The money quote that proves they haven't done any real research: "For a long time, many in the industry lived by the motto that 'dead means dead'..."
  • Profiles in History will be auctioning off a great number of items from the Captain America movie, and a few pieces from the Iron Man and Thor movies as well. The auction will be on April 14 and several key items are expected to get into the five figure range.
  • Tom Heintjes points out, via Twitter, that on this day in 1969, Snoopy landed on the moon. Several months before Neil Armstrong got so many accolades for doing the same.
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Matt K said...

Pretty cool about Snoopy, and I never did like that stupid cat next door.

Though in fairness, I believe the Fantastic Four visited the moon years before either the WWI Flying Ace or the Apollo Program.

(And I'm going to guess that they weren't by any means the first comics characters to do so, either.)

Yeah, the FF managed to get there in '63. Of course, that's well after Georges Méliès crashed into the moon's eye in 1902.