Pull Dan Slott's Thing

By | Sunday, March 26, 2006 Leave a Comment
After the past several days of (what I consider) somewhat thoughtful analysis of Steve Gerber's She-Hulk, I was concerned that today's post would be rather disappointing in it's content. But I read Dan Slott's recent call to action and it sparked some ideas.

The short version of the story is that Dan Slott's new series, The Thing, isn't doing so hot in terms of sales numbers, and creators Slott and Andrea DiVito have put together a contest to help raise the sales of the book that they love working on so much. You can read about the contest over at Newsarama. So over the next days and weeks, I'll be talking (among other things) about how The Thing really is a great series and worth picking up.

Let me start off by saying in that past year or two, Dan Slott has quickly become one of my favorite writers. He does an excellent job of plot development and characterization, not to mention having a great sense of humor. His books are some of the few that I read that have the same sense of fun and simple enjoyment that I got out of comics as a kid.

I don't have a lot of time to go into all the nuances and great storytelling in his book just at the moment but, like I said, I'll be taking some time out over the next days and weeks to plug all the great reasons to... ahem... pull Slott's Thing.
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