Webcomicon 2024

By | Thursday, May 23, 2024 Leave a Comment
I haven't seen much in the way of promotion for this yet, so I wanted to take a moment to highlight an upcoming comics convention: Webcomicon. It's a convention specifically focused on, not surprisingly, webcomics. As you can see from the promo image at the right, it'll take place August 3-4 in the Detroit area and will feature a number of well-known webcomikers.

I believe this is the show's inaugural year (the web domain was only registered last month) and, given the heavy promotional support from The Awkward Store, I presume it's largely been set up by Nick Seluk. I think it's fantastic that we finally get a webcomics-focused convention and I hope it's wildly successful so we get more.

(I'd love to be able to go, but I continue to be very concerned about COVID and am still not attending any conventions. "Con crud" was not uncommon before the pandemic in the first place; I'd not like to layer COVD on top of that. But that's me -- do your own risk assessments.)

Best of luck to Seluk and I hope everyone who's able to go has a brilliant time!
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