Over at the TwoMorrows website, you can
download free copies of some of their regular magazines. They've recently updated their offerings, so you can sample more recent issues. All of their mags are really excellent (
Alter Ego is up for a Harvey Award right now) but I make a point of calling out
Jack Kirby Collector since that's the mag I write for. In #54 -- the free issue that's available -- I analyze how Jack depicted none other than Stan Lee himself in the comic pages. (Naturally, there's some discussion of Funky Flashman as well!) If you haven't read my work there, here's your chance to check it out free of charge!
I'd like to read that. Though I'm a little surprised at the requirement that I create an account and go through a checkout to "purchase" a free PDF... hopefully they know what they're doing, because that sure seems needlessly annoying to me. May go back and do it later.
Yeah, it's kind of a weird system just to download free books, but I think it's tied to the same system for downloading the for-pay content. So all TwoMorrows has to do is set the price of any given book to zero, and it doesn't have to get re-uploaded anywhere or reconfigured or anything. It's a system geared a little more for business interests than consumer ones, but it still works.
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