Comic Book Store Wars

By | Tuesday, December 08, 2009 Leave a Comment
Years ago, Robert Beerbohm started writing a book about the early days of dedicated comic book retailing. It's been put on the back-burner repeatedly for a number of reasons, most recently bi-lateral metal implant hip joint replacement surgery. The silver lining, though, is that a couple more months of rehab without excruciating pain has him thinking back on those days a bit more, and he's been able to start working on his book once again. He'd like to have things done "hopefully soooooon now."

Beerbohm actually mentioned this in a recnt extended discussion around an 1978 photograph of Moondog's Comics. If the tidbits he dropped in that exchange are any indication, I can't wait to see this book whenever it's finished! (His hip surgery, in fact, was needed because of an accident on his way home from the 1973 Houstoncon! The man IS comics!)

In any event, I'm happy to hear he's doing better. (He's planning to attend C2E2, and presumably the retailer summit, in April.) If for no other reason than he's able to finish his book and make sure everyone gets a chance to read it! As he says, "This old dog knows where all the bones are buried out in the DM's back yard - "
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