I have to admit that I'm more intrigued by the subject matter than the art -- which is a tad unusual for me. I've really been getting into non-fiction comics recently (not that there are that many of them) and I know a bit about spiritualists from my father's interest in stage magic. (Harry Houdini spent many of his later years debunking spiritualist hoaxes.) So Murphy's book just sounds darned interesting on the subject matter alone. Not to mention that I don't recall ever seeing a comic biography of any spiritualist before. Stage magicians, sure, but not anyone claiming to be a medium. So I'm really looking forward to seeing this.
That said, due to financial constraints, I still haven't snagged a copy of Justin Murphy's Cleburne which won a Xeric last July. (Justin is no relation to Annie, as far as I know.) So my odds of being able to pick up I Still Live seem a bit remote, unfortunately. Somebody do me a favor and do an extensive review on it when it comes out. For that matter, has anyone done an extensive review of Cleburne yet?
I don't know if you'd consider it extensive, but I reviewed Cleburne here:
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