Personally, I just find it kind of amusing that Shaun Cassidy is shown or referenced on six of the 16 covers. And on every cover that uses his image -- it's literally the exact same image! Even the illustration on #4 clearly uses the same photo as a reference. The next most frequent cover guests are the Hulk (five covers), Spider-Man (four, not counting the Marvel logo appearances in the upper left of every issue) and Peter Frampton (three). Star Wars is referenced on ten(!) covers.

Despite Superman's commentary on that last issue, he had actually already appeared on the cover of a Marvel publication! Superman vs. The Amazing Spider-Man, the first modern intercompany superhero crossover, came out as a joint Marvel/DC publication in 1976!
Finally, does anyone actually have a copy of #12? I want to read up on those "Albino Roach Jokes!"
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