Altounian On Bibliotech

By | Thursday, July 09, 2009 Leave a Comment
Last week's episode of Bibliotech featured a half-hour interview with Plantinum/Wowio president Brian Altounian. There really isn't anything particularly earth-shattering in the interview and, in point of fact, I was quite struck at how ignorant interviewer Mark Jeffrey seemed regarding digital media delivery in general. It really seemed to me as if the interview would've been one conducted five -- maybe even ten -- years ago. He had a distinctly "Gee, wow, I didn't realize you can embed an audio file in an electronic book" attitude. Hence, Altounian is given some really banal questions, and the interview winds up being a Wowio primer more than anything else.

That said, they do speak to Wowio's comic book content specifically a few times, so I'm embedding the video below. As I said, it runs about 30 minutes...
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