This Weekend

By | Monday, May 05, 2008 7 comments
Well, this was a big weekend for comic book fans, what with being the opening weekend for an Iron Man film and Free Comic Book Day being on Saturday. And, like many of you, I'm sure, I was rather busy and haven't had a chance to blog for a few days.

Unlike many of you, though, my weekend had about nothing to do with comics. I'm sure it won't surprise any regular readers why I didn't make it out to see Iron Man and, while I'm a big proponent of FCBD, I didn't make to it any shops either. Between some early morning errands and band-related activities throughout the afternoon/early evening, there was just no way I could make it anywhere. Sunday was pretty busy, as well, setting up my new computer, so not only did I not have much time to blog, but I didn't have anything to blog with!

But that's all (mostly) sorted now, so Kleefeld on Comics should resort to its normal schedule shortly. Thanks for your patience.
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Pj Perez said...

I didn't get a chance to see IM either, but let me tell you: The FCBD offerings this year were awesome, including a full reprint of All-Star Superman #1. Good stuff!

rjsodaro said...

Sean, I'm so with you on loving FCBD, however, alas, I too was unable to participate this year (due to a pair of pre-planed family related events out of which I wouldn't have been able to get, even if I had wanted to do so, which I really didn't).

Still, I did arrange with my local shop to hold onto whatever comics he had acquired for his shop, and he so graciously agreed. Still, I did manage to make it to see Iron Man (my 13-year-old nephew who is wildly into comics insisted that we go and see it together on opening weekend, so how could I refuse).

My review of the film appears here:
Sorry to have read that your distress with Marvel has lead you to walking away. As a long-time Spidey fan, I'm close to doing the same after Brand New Day (in fact, Newsweek even quoted me on the subject:
Ah well. Hopefully the company will come to its senses and return to its glory days.

We can only hope.

Anonymous said...

Sean, it sounds like you had a decent weekend anyway, though up here I had a blast with Free Comic Book Day. My favorite store had a "Midnight Madness" event, and... it was really a lot more than I expected. There was a long line, for one thing, but also a big, diverse crowd. And a DJ. And an open bar. And half-price back issues. And take-as-many-as-you-want FCBD comics! Good times.

Pj Perez said...

Matt -- We need a store like that here in Vegas. I mean, we have some great comic shops, but this is VEGAS -- you'd think if there would be anywhere with an open bar and DJ, it would be here. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Can't argue with you there, pj! My friendly, clean comic store run by a middle aged woman and located in a bland strip mall, in suburban Cleveland, was about the last place I expected a crazy midnight comics party. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow...yeah i wouldn't mind a midnight party for FCBD! I have to drive an hour to get to a shop here in Kansas. But the store there was very busy on Saturday, lots of parents bringing their kids in, and I saw quite a few people who seemed to be giddy with they had been gone from a comic shop for too long and needed to drop a couple hundred to catch up. Anyway, a great day for the shop!! Could've been even better with booze, though! ;)

Pj Perez said...

It's kinda sad that the LCS I went to was dead except for two late-teenish guys at 12:30 p.m. on FCBD. And this is a shop that has been around for 20 years. Their folding table was just FULL of free comics. Sigh. Good for me, but bad for the state of the Vegas comic book retailers.