Okay, it's time for a "What Did Sean Buy At The Comic Shop This Week" post. I know, they're never terribly exciting, but hey -- none of my posts are, really.
Daredevil #93 This has actually been a decent book lately from Marvel. (Note that Civil War has been largely absent from its pages.) I was never a big fan of Daredevil as a character -- still not -- but the strength of the storytelling has kept me coming back.
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Pirate Club #7 This series has been over and done with for a little while now, but I had trouble picking up individual issues past #5 or so. Since it's not from Marvel or DC, it's sometimes hard to track down where any given shop will hold back issues and I recently found this in my shop's back issue bins. This finally completes my collection of this title, and I can finally read the whole frickin' thing. |  |
The Fixer: A Story from Sarajevo This was book I noticed on my shop's shelves a couple of week's ago. It's by Joe Sacco, who created Palestine and Safe Area Gorazde. I was in college during the Bosnian War, and I recall it being on the news frequently. But I actually learned about it from Sacco's Safe Area Gorazde and Joe Kubert's Fax from Sarajevo. Sacco is essentially a journalist who tells his stories in a comic book format. And he does a much better job than just about any other news source I've seen/heard. In the few pieces of his that I've read, his work is powerful in a Maus sort of way. An excellent storyteller, and he's telling important stories. I'm absolutely looking forward to reading The Fixer and I'm glad it was an otherwise light week, so I could afford to pick this up finally. |  |
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